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The Write! Look! Listen! Series presents: “Tenderness: Readings on Art and
Poetic Connection” with APRIL FREELY, poet & essayist


Friday, Apr i l 23, 2021
6 p.m. PST / Online


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April Freely's poetry and essays have appeared
in American Poetry Review, Ninth Letter, Seneca
Review, New Madrid, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. She
has received fellowships, residencies, and awards from
Cave Canem, the Ohio Arts Council, Vermont Studio
Center, Tulsa Artist Fellowship, Hedgebrook, and
Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. She earned an
MFA in Nonfiction from the University of Iowa and an
MFA in Poetry from New York University. She has served
as an assistant and senior editor of poetry and nonfiction
for Diagram Magazine and Washington Square
Review. She was a 2019 CueArt Foundation fellow in Art
Writing, and her work has appeared in such art
catalogues as Tenderheaded, New Figurative Painting,
and I am the House no Roof can Cover. Her art writing
on the work of Marina Abramović and the Voyager
Golden Record can be found online at The Kenyon
Review. As a current Queer Art Mentorship fellow, she is
working to finish a poetry manuscript with feedback
from Saeed Jones. April Freely teaches an annual course
at Bard College for first-year students called "Language
and Thinking," and she serves as support for writers and
practitioners in the School of Social Work at Columbia
University. She has taught poetry to young people and
adults in hospital settings and in secure facilities. She is
the Executive Director of Fire Island Artist Residency.

For more information contact Pau la DeBoard,

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