5200 N Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343

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For the week of April 11-16, we will be fundraising on behalf of our philanthropy: St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. We will have multiple events throughout the course of the week. 

Monday: Instagram challenge - participants will submit photos re-enacting old 80s/90s movie posters. 

Monday: 10:30am-2pm -On Scholar's Lane: Pie-A-Tri - participants can pay to pie sisters. Who's That Delta? - Participants can guess our active sisters from baby photos of them

Tuesday: 10:30am - 2pm - On Scholar's Lane: Pass the Cassette: participants will have meaningful conversations with our sisters to earn cassette tapes to turn into our table for points. We will also be having a fundraiser at EM-Tea.

Wednesday: 6-8pm on Zoom - Q&A with an old St. Jude patient and cancer survivor + their family + a St. Jude representative

Thursday: 10:30am - 2pm - On Scholar's Lane: Pass the Cassette: participants will have meaningful conversations with our sisters to earn cassette tapes to turn into our table for points. 5-7pm: (room tbd) Finish the LYric Challenge: participants will participate in a fill-in-the-blank competition after a few seconds of a song has been played. A bonus round will include trivia regarding Delta Delta Delta

Friday: 10:30am - 2pm - On Scholar's Lane: Pass the Cassette: participants will have meaningful conversations with our sisters to earn cassette tapes to turn into our table for points. Also, Tri Hunt: active sisters will be in random locations across campus, each holding specific items related to Tri Delta. Participants will race to collect one of each item from every location.

Saturday: 12pm - 3pm - Off campus: The Nostalgia Games: Participants will be in teams of 5-8 people and will play in various games: egg toss, egg&spoon race, potato sack race, three-legged race, hungry hungry hippos

Learn more at http://ucmerced.presence.io/event/tri-delta-philo-week

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