About this Event
Add to calendarGrammar Workshop: How to Incorporate Quotes in Your Essays
Wednesday, Nov. 9 / 1:30-2:20pm in person in COB #286 / 3:30-4:20pm via Zoom
Quoting your sources adds authority to your writing, but not if it is done in a haphazard way. Learn some techniques for introducing quotes and tying them into the ideas of your writing. This is not about MLA format, but about the content of your writing. Reference handout provided. No need to register - just show up at 1:30pm or go to http://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/84565292900 at 3:30pm.
Grammar workshops are open to undergraduates, graduate students, scholars, staff, and spouses. Join us!
Provided by the English Language Institute. For more information, email Belinda at ELI@ucmerced.edu.