About this Event
The Department of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures is pleased to present a free public event featuring poetry reading performance with Aimee Suzara.
Suzara is a Filipino-American poet, playwright, and performer whose mission is to create poetic and theatrical work about race, gender, and the body to provoke dialogue and social change. Her first full-length book, SOUVENIR (WordTech Editions, 2014), was a Willa Award Finalist. Her plays A HISTORY OF THE BODY and TINY FIRES were selected as Finalists for the Bay Area Playwright’s Festival, and her poems appear in numerous journals and anthologies. A strong advocate for the arts and literacy, she’s been a featured spoken word artist and workshop leader at universities across United States. Suzara received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing at Mills College in 2006 and teaches at San Francisco State University. More information about the speaker can be found here: www.aimeesuzara.net
Register for the event here: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEudOCqrz8oHN1XWdEfGC3TnUj0fzt5wL_6
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