About this Event
This is the first general meeting of Helping Hands Club, which is open to all majors and years! Helping Hands is community service and volunteer based project and its mission is to help the underserved community members such as elderly, homeless, and other groups in the Merced County through various health, arts, and social volunteer based projects while also advocating for these vulnerable members and educating students on the different stigmas/ issues. Due to COVID-19, many volunteer services and opportunities were limited. The goal of this club is to create various volunteer based projects and connect with Merced County with existing volunteer opportunities. Be a helping hand and the change you want to see in this world :)! Come out to our first meeting!
RSVP link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGLxrk9m1JWz6IxPXl2U5FfgDqlNC7q6kjlHakLB2GMKtiyQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Learn more at http://ucmerced.presence.io/event/1st-general-meeting-of-helping-hands-club0 people are interested in this event
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